Kindly, read the following points before using the Vaxi-DL server:

  1. Currently, you can submit more than one protein sequences in FASTA format (?) or one UniProt ID (?). Copy and paste your FASTA-formatted sequences into the textbox below or upload a file containing your sequences in FASTA format from your device.
  2. If you provide your email then you'll receive an email containing your result link after the server completes the analysis of your input. Otherwise, you can also bookmark the waiting page (appears right after you submit your input) to check your results later.

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Input Format

Choose Model Ensemble Approach (?)

Choose Organism

Restrictions enforced:
  • Minimum 30 residues per sequence are required
  • Maximum 4000 residues per sequence are allowed (Bacteria only)
  • Maximum 200000 total residues in an input are allowed (Bacteria only)
  • Per request 100 protein sequences are allowed. Rest are ignored
  • Only protein sequence is allowed
  • Only FASTA format or UniProt ID is allowed

Vaxi-DL is a predictive system that uses Deep Learning algorithms to classify given protein sequences into vaccine candidates or the non-vaccine candidates.

Vaxi-DL is maintained by the Dr Kamal Rawal and team. In case you use Vaxi-DL for your research purposes, we would greatly appreciate it if you cite our publications.

  • Rawal, K., Sinha, R., Abbasi, B.A. et al. Identification of vaccine targets in pathogens and design of a vaccine using computational approaches. Sci Rep 11, 17626 (2021).

For any queries and bug reports feel free to contact us at