Kindly, read the following points before using the VaxElan server:

  1. Currently, you can submit more than one protein sequences in FASTA format (?) or one UniProt ID (?). Copy and paste your FASTA-formatted sequences into the textbox below or upload a file containing your sequences in FASTA format from your device.
  2. If you provide your email then you'll receive an email containing your result link after the server completes the analysis of your input. Otherwise, you can also bookmark the waiting page (appears right after you submit your input) to check your results later.
  3. There is a limit of 60 sequences per request to prevent the server from overloading. If your input contains more than 60 sequences then first 60 sequences will be considered and the rest will be ignored.

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Input Protein Sequence(s) or UniProt ID

Include Tools for Analyses



Apply a predefined strategy

Basic Predictions

Binding Predictions

Other Predictions

Order of filter (draggable)

    VaxELAN is a computational pipeline consisting of bioinformatics and immunoinformatics parameters such as adhesion prediction, protein cellular localization, and 14 others. It evaluates and shortlists proteins that show relevant characteristics to qualify as potential vaccine candidates.

    If you're using VaxElan, kindly cite our work:

    Rawal, K., Sinha, R., Abbasi, B.A. et al. Identification of vaccine targets in pathogens and design of a vaccine using computational approaches. Sci Rep 11, 17626 (2021).

    VaxElan is maintained by Dr. Kamal Rawal and Team

    For any queries and bug reports feel free to contact us at